Wedding Photographer in Pensacola, FL
Pensacola FL, 32501
We are seeking multiple wedding photographers with talent, experience, and a passion for capturing weddings in Pensacola, FL. While we welcome all photographic styles, we prioritize photographers who specialize in a photojournalistic approach.
We aim to make your job effortless! You have the flexibility to choose the dates you're available to shoot, and we handle all the sales, paperwork, and post-processing.
All you need to do is photograph the wedding, submit your pictures to us, complete a payment form, and receive your payment!
If this sounds like the perfect opportunity for you, please apply through the link provided. Applicants must have prior experience in wedding photography and possess professional camera gear.
To ensure our clients are presented with only the best, all photographers are required to present a portfolio of their top wedding and engagement photographs online.
Pay Rate: $50- 75 /hr